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Central Air Conditioner in Austin, Texas

如果你正在考虑更换中央空调,条款 single-stage, two-stage and variable-speed 会出现在你的在线搜索和与世界杯足彩app下载承包商的对话中吗. 做出正确的决定,哪台中央空调是适合你的, 了解这些选择将如何影响你的舒适度和预算是很重要的. 所有这些术语都指的是中央空调运行的速度,在一种情况下是速度
system’s compressor can operate.


Single-Stage Central AC System

Imagine you’re driving, 你保持限速的唯一方法就是踩油门或者把脚从油门上移开. That’s single-stage technology. 单级中央交流系统要么开启,要么关闭. There’s no in between. This results in wasted energy and money.

这并不是说单级系统永远都不是正确的选择. 它是购买中央空调系统最便宜的类型, 如果前期成本对你来说比长期运营成本和性能更重要, it may be the right solution. However, if energy- and cost-efficiency are important to you, a two- or variable-speed AC unit is likely a better fit.

Two-Stage Central AC System

A two-stage 中央空调有低(约70%容量)和高(100%容量)两种运行状态。. 大多数两级系统可以在80%的时间内以较低的速度运行,甚至在奥斯汀也能满足冷却需求, Texas. 这相当于与单级系统相比节省了大量成本.

Variable-Speed Central AC System

A variable-speed 中央交流机组可以在其容量的任何百分比运行, 这意味着它只利用必要的能量来满足冷却需求. Back to our driving example. 变速场景更像是使用巡航控制(我们在这里假设), 所以没有奥斯汀的交通来阻止我们这样做). You set it to the speed limit (temperature) you want, 它通过根据环境调整能源使用来维持它.

当你爬山时(室外温度更高),它会消耗更多的能量. 当你下山时(室外温度较低),它会消耗更少的能量. 根据需求定制输出的能力使变速机组成为最有效和最具成本效益的操作.


A single-stage system cycles on and off more frequently, 而双速或变速中央交流机组在较低的速度下运行时间更长,循环开关的频率要低得多. 除了上面讨论的能源和成本节约之外,这还提供了重要的优势:

  • More consistent comfort: Frequent on/off cycling means greater temperature swings. 当单级系统启动时,它通常会用阵阵冷空气使居住者感到寒冷. When it reaches the desired temperature, it shuts off, 室内环境变得越来越温暖和闷热,直到系统发出下一次爆炸. By operating more continuously, 两级或变速中央交流机组可以保持所需的温度变化较小.
  • Humidity management: Many variable speed systems, including the Carrier Infinity series, can manage maximum humidity levels under most conditions. 这些系统以低容量运行较长时间, 增加冷却盘管的时间,从而去除更多的水分. 当你追求湿度设定时,它们也可以设置得稍微过冷. 我们的经验是,在普通家庭中,适当大小的可变容量系统可以提供湿度性能,从而消除了对单独除湿机的需求.
  • Feature-rich controls: 除了Wi-Fi功能外,还配有可变容量系统 thermostats that offer:
    • Management of other devices, such as high-end filters and dehumidifiers (or humidifiers, which are obviously not needed here in Central Texas).
    • Maintenance alerts
    • Flexible learning programming
    • Improved zone controls, 这意味着他们可以控制多个房间,并缩小操作规模,只影响那些需要冷却或加热的区域.
  • Quieter operation: Typical variable capacity systems, again such as the Carrier Infinity series, are nearly noise free most of the time. 只有在追逐大的温度挫折(温度变化)时, driven by the user, typically over three degrees), do they ramp up operation and fan speeds.
  • Highest practical efficiency: SEER(季节性能源效率比)和EER(能源效率比)评级并不完全等同于最低的公用事业费用. Variable systems, 但有时SEER和EER评级并不高, will deliver the lowest electric bills. 想象一个低容量运行两倍时间的系统, 但是只有四分之一的电力消耗(基本上是安培的消耗), as voltage is constant).
  • Less wear and tear: Cycling on and off not only uses more power, 但它也会让你的中央空调承受更大的压力. 更少的磨损意味着更低的维护成本和更长的使用寿命, especially when coupled with proactive maintenance service. When properly maintained, 在不需要更换的情况下,可变系统运行15到20年并不罕见.

Picking the Right Central Air Conditioner

总之,仔细考虑需求、欲望和预算将帮助你做出最好的选择. If the unit is for your primary residence, and you plan to stay for a while, consider the options that will make a difference for you. 我们的大多数客户,一旦体验了更好的两级或可变系统,就再也不会回去了. Similar to buying a new car, spending more does get more. Unlike the typical car, 增加支出还能提高效率,至少能从增加的前期成本中获得部分(如果不是全部的话)财务回报.

At Efficient AC, Electrical & Plumbing, we  are experienced with repair 安装所有这些系统类型,可以帮助您权衡您的选择. 我们提供专业的空调服务和免费上门服务 AC replacement 从1976年开始在奥斯汀地区——从凯尔到乔治敦——进行咨询. Call us at 512-501-2275 to schedule.

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